FAQ on sustainable and vegan life on campus
This FAQ is intended to give you some tips on how to go sustainable and vegan on campus of the University of Stuttgart.
Last update: 04.12.2022
Sustainability on campus
- Waste prevention
- Recup/Rebowl: Avoiding waste is not only sustainable, you can even save money in the meantime. The Studierendenwerk offers a deposit system (Rebowl) not only for cups, but also for Mensa food boxes, so you can enjoy your takeaway drinks/food without disposable dishes. But note: don’t forget your cutlery if you want to eat on the go!
- Cigarette butts: many people do not dispose their cigarette butts properly. If they are not disposed of correctly, they will pollute the environment for years to come, as they are full of harmful components. So if you smoke, please dispose of your cigarette butt in ashtrays or trash cans. You can find more information about this on our flyer (currently German only).
- Secondhand books: The study contents rarely change from one semester to the next, so why should you always buy/print out new scripts if your fellow students don’t need them anymore anyway? Ask in the upper grades or in student groups/ student council. Otherwise, we can recommend the website Studibuch (currently German only).
- Use recycled paper at the kopier[lädle]: stuvus always offers the option to print on recycled paper in the kopier[lädle]. This is even cheaper than using normal paper.
- Speak up against food waste!
- foodsharing: Many German-speaking cities offer foodsharing, a community in which leftover food is distributed before it ends up in the trash. Often, dedicated people (food savers) also distribute it in dorms. So feel free to ask around, maybe you can spare yourself the trip to the supermarket. For the campus Vaihingen there is a Telegram group “Foodsharing Campus Vaihingen“, where you can find out immediately when rescued food is distributed on campus.
- fairteiler: Leftover food are distributed by people in “Fairteiler”, you can serve yourself – without having to pay anything. You can find them using the foodsharing map. So what are you waiting for?
- mealprep: You can save a lot of time, money and food waste by preparing your meals once or twice a week and storing them in your fridge/freezer at home. There are microwaves on campus so you don’t have to go without a warm meal. Among other places, you’ll find at least one microwave in the cafeterias and dining halls.
- Too Good To Go: An app through which restaurants, supermarkets and others sell their surplus food at a lower price. You’ve never had a pizza this cheap before, and you get the good feeling of having helped prevent food waste on top.
- Mobility
- RegioRad: A bikesharing system with normal and electrically powered bicycles with stations all over Stuttgart. The best feature: With the free Polygo card, the first 30 minutes per bike rental are free, and the first 15 minutes for pedelecs! For more information, visit stuvus.de/en/regiorad.
- Public transport: Both campuses, in city center and in Vaihingen, have various connections for public transport. And don’t forget: for those students who didn’t buy a Studiticket (approx. 200€ for the whole semester), you can use your student ID card to travel free of charge in the whole VVS area Monday – Friday from 6 p.m. and Saturday/Sunday/holidays all day.
- Further tips
- Didn’t find what you were looking for or open to more input on sustainability? Then check out the website stuvus.de/en/sustainability! Among other things, there are some recommendations there on how you can integrate sustainability into your everyday life.
- Do you have ideas for additions to this FAQ? Then feel free to contact us via email or Instagram (please check out our contact page).
Vegan on Campus
- Vegan in the Mensa
- There is at least one so-called vegan “Preisrenner” for € 2.99 every day. This dish is the cheapest main course available.There is also a buffet, including vegan options and side dishes, and a soup, which is often vegan as well.
- In the restaurant (first floor Mensa Vaihingen), a vegan burger can be assembled in the burger bar.
- There is a wok station at Mensa Central that usually serves a freshly prepared vegan main dish
- There is at least one so-called vegan “Preisrenner” for € 2.99 every day. This dish is the cheapest main course available.There is also a buffet, including vegan options and side dishes, and a soup, which is often vegan as well.
- Vegan at cafeteria
- Vegan sandwiches (may need to ask at the counter)
- Couscous salad and potato salad (each in a deposit jar)
- Vegane Pinsa (Cafeteria K2 only)
- Vegan muffins in two varieties: Double Choc with cherries or Blueberry
- tony’s chocolate bar Almond-Sea Salt
- Mr. Tom (peanut bar)
- Vegane currywurst → [KOERI]WERK (Cafeteria Denkpause on campus Vaihingen)
- Attention: pretzels are not vegan! They contain powdered skim milk and sweet whey. However, the other pretzel products, such as the pretzel sticks, are vegan.
- Vegan sandwiches (may need to ask at the counter)
- Food trucks
- There are 3 food trucks on the university campus Vaihingen, which are operated by different providers. Each food truck offers at least one vegan main dish.
- Vegan in restaurants on campus Vaihingen
- Vegan alternatives are available in all restaurants.
- At “La Bruschetta” the pizzas are also available in vegan without cheese.
- At “Taverna Elea” you can get some dishes with vegan Simply V cheese.
- At Pokkez there are vegan wraps, Indian lentil soup and salads.
- Every Monday from 11 a.m. to about 1 p.m., the “Ökumenisches Zentrum” (ÖZ) serves falafels. There is a choice of two sauces, of which only the spicy version is vegan.
- Vegan snacks in bars (only open in the evenings)
- Unithekle (Allmandring 17): Pita bread with smoked tofu, fries
- Boddschamber (Allmandring 12/I): peanuts, fries
- Vegan grocery shopping at “Frischemarkt Roth” (German students call it “Halsi”)
- Some vegan snacks are available here for those who are in a hurry. However, the vegan offer is relatively small compared to other supermarkets. For snacks at the university, there are vegan chocolate, Oreos, chips, nuts or hummus from the refrigerated shelves and bread.
- Vegan milk at the Cafeteria
- Since January 2020, a plant-based milk alternative is available at the coffee machines in all cafeterias of the Studierendenwerk Stuttgart: organic oat drink. It is located next to the vending machines. Cappuccino or other drinks from the vending machine, which are already provided with milk foam, are unfortunately not available vegan.
- Since January 2020, a plant-based milk alternative is available at the coffee machines in all cafeterias of the Studierendenwerk Stuttgart: organic oat drink. It is located next to the vending machines. Cappuccino or other drinks from the vending machine, which are already provided with milk foam, are unfortunately not available vegan.
- Is it possible to display only the vegan dishes in the app / on the website of the Studierendenwerk?
- Not straightforward, but the following allergens can be filtered out, which amounts to the same result except for rarely offered meat variants:
- “contains egg”
- “fish”
- “crustacean”
- “milk and lactose”
- “molluscs”
- And “fish and meat”:
- “fish”
- “pork”
- “beef”
- “poultry”
- Not straightforward, but the following allergens can be filtered out, which amounts to the same result except for rarely offered meat variants: